Clinical Evidence

Hepatic Arterial Infusion in Combination with Modern Systemic Chemotherapy is Associated with Improved Survival Compared with Modern Systemic Chemotherapy Alone in Patients with Isolated Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Case–Control Study.

Mashaal Dhir MD, Heather L. Jones MPA-C, Yongli Shuai MS, Amber K. Clifford MPA-C, Samantha Perkins MPA-C, Jennifer Steve BS, Melissa E. Hogg MD, M. Haroon A. Choudry MD, James F. Pingpank MD, Matthew P. Holtzman MD, Herbert J. Zeh III MD, Nathan Bahary MD, PhD, David L. Bartlett MD & Amer H. Zureikat MD

Ann Surg Oncol. – July, 2016

In a case-control study of 86 patients with liver only colorectal cancer metastases (CLM):

  • Patients treated with the Intera 3000 HAI Pump with floxuridine, and systemic chemotherapy had a median overall survival of 32.8 months. Patients treated with systemic chemotherapy alone had a median overall survival of 15.3 months (P < 0.0001).
  • While this was not a randomized controlled trial, both groups of patients were similar in demographics, had extensive disease in the liver, and had received prior systemic chemotherapy. When comparing groups, the following characteristics were similar (P > 0.05).
    • Liver tumor burden: median number of lesions in the HAI group of 13.5 vs. 15 in the non-HAI
    • Percentage of liver tumor replacement was 37.5 in the HAI vs. 40 % in the non-HAI
    • Size of largest lesion was 5.6 in the HAI vs. 6 cm in the non-HAI1

Study limitation: small sample size and retrospective analysis with potential selection bias.
